Art Technique Books at Skidompha Book Shop

The Skidompha Secondhand Book Shop in downtown Damariscotta now offers a large selection of art technique books and DVDs about painting and sculpture.

Rosie Bensen, co-manager of the shop, said, “Thanks to a generous donor, we have this wonderful collection describing techniques that could help you make your own art and find your own artistic voice. As one of our volunteers says, ‘Release your Grandma Moses, become your own Douanier Rousseau, channel Picasso or Van Gogh.’”

The book shop was recently named the best used book store in Maine by Yankee Magazine. It is a major source of funding for Skidompha Public Library. All of its books, movies, music CDs and records, games, and puzzles are donated by people in the community. All staff members are volunteers, and proceeds support the library’s collections and programs.

The shop is located at 17 Backstreet Landing and is open daily from 9 to 4. Donations are accepted during those hours.